Sunday, July 8, 2012


Late yesterday afternoon Peggy and I went to IHOP to eat dinner.  Now I know most people go to IHOP for breakfast but they have a pretty good menu besides the pancakes.  Many time when the Grands come over and spend the night, the next morning I will make them PaPa's world famous pancakes for breakfast.  I often tell them how for years I have been recruited by IHOP to be the head chef of their pancake kitchens but part of the deal requires me to give them my secret recipe which I refuse to give to anyone.  Therefore,  the wonderful treat of PaPa's pancakes is given just to them.

Anyway,  back to the original story.   As we sat there,  an older man walked in by himself,  was seated, and for some reason I couldn't take my eyes off of him.  No,  he didn't look familiar.  I don't believe I had ever seen the man before.  There was really nothing special about the man's appearance.  He was dressed normal,  had two eyes and two arms,  one nose.  Just an ordinary man. But still there was something.  "What was it about this man?"    Then it hit me.  It was something about the curvature of his lips.  The corners were naturally turned down.  And his eyes.  Yes he had two just as you and I, but he had such a blank stare.  A stare as if he looked passed what was in front of him and saw things that were not seen by others.  There was a  sadness about him.  A loneliness.  What an unpleasant feeling it must be to be lonely.  A feeling of emptiness.  I mentioned to Peggy how lonely the man appeared, then the subject was changed and we enjoyed our meal together.

When we got home we did the same as we usually do.  We checked the computer,  watched some TV,  talked awhile,  just the everyday things we do.
Then we went to bed.  But as I was lying there,  the memory of the man at IHOP came back to me and the look on his face would not go away.  Did I see something that was not there?  Had my imagination run amok again.  No matter....Whatever it was I knew I had to pray for this man or sleep would never come.  I didn't know what to ask for,  but I knew God would know what the man needed.  And so I prayed for this stranger.

As I finished and said my amen,  I knew sleep would soon come.  So I waited,,,,  and I waited,,,, and I waited some more.  But sleep wouldn't come.  All that I could think of was this man at IHOP....."WHY GOD?   WHAT IS GOING ON?"    I thought to myself,  I've done as I should.  I've prayed for the man.  "WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT OF ME GOD?"   As I was asking God these questions,  little did I realize I was still praying.  It was as if I could hear God's voice giving me answers.  The reason I was so concerned for the
man was because subconsciously,  I have the same fears.  I don't want to be lonely.  I don't want to feel empty.  All of a sudden Isaiah 41:10 came to me................
"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous."
 I thought to myself,  "What a small verse and what a big promise."  Think about it for a says.... "for I am with you"  My God is with me always.  No need to fear,  no need to be dismayed. He will make me strong.  He is my God.

As I laid there my mind went back to the man at IHOP.  I had prayed that he would not be lonely.  That God would give him friends to comfort him.  I now went back to my God in Prayer.  This time I prayed that the IHOP man would know my God through Jesus Christ.  I prayed that my God would show him,  just as He had shown me that He was real and He was present and He was righteous.  I now knew I had asked for what the IHOP man needed and I knew God was able to supply those needs.

I once again closed my eyes.  This time sleep came quickly and I rested in the assurance that my God was in control.

May God Bless You This Day...Amen