Tuesday, December 9, 2014


If memory serves me it was 1993 when a movie by the above name hit the big silver screen.  I never saw the movie but I know it was a big success.  I also know it was a comedy and won an Academy Award and was nominated for several more.  I'm not a movie person myself. I have a hard time sitting for that long of a period.  Just give me a rerun of a good old 30 to 60 minute TV western  show like Gunsmoke or Bonanza and I'm happy.  For some reason the title of this movie has been rolling around in my mind for days.  It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World over and over and over again.  I kept wondering if maybe I should watch this movie.  I decided no, as I was sure it would accomplish nothing so instead I decided to just concentrate on the title itself.

  Of course the operative word in the title is .....ready for this bit of wisdom............  "MAD"..........  Well I'm sure I impressed you with that knowledge but have you ever really thought about the word ...."MAD"?.....  Mad can be angry.  That's how I describe Peggy's attitude every time I screw up which is pretty often.  Peggy is  "mad" at me.........  You can also use the word "Mad" in describing say a dog gone wild which is much different than "Girls gone Wild".  It means the dog is abnormally furious or ferocious.  Maybe  affected by rabies.  Or you can use "mad as in being overcome with desire or infatuated,  like you know being mad about someone.  You have to be very careful because there is a difference in being mad at someone and being mad about someone.  And then you have "Mad" as just gone crazy.  Out of their minds.  No sense of reasoning.  As I thought about all of this I suddenly realized why the title had four  "MADs" in it.  The world is four times..."MAD".........  We are angry,  we are fercious,  we are full of desires and we have totally lost our minds...

Now don't get mad (angry) at me but you....yes you.....  are a mad person.  You might be very sweet and calm and nice awww,  I could go on telling you how great you are but in reality you are ...."MAD".....  One time mad,  Two times mad,   Three times or four times mad.......I don't know but you are mad....  We are all mad.  If you're a republican you're mad at the democrates and if you're a democrate you're mad at the republicans.  If you white you're mad at the blacks and if you're black you're mad at the whites.  If you happen to be Hispanic at one time or another you are mad at everyone and at one time or another everyone is mad at you.  If you're poor you're mad at the rich man (or woman) and if you're rich you're mad at the poor man (or woman).   In fact if you're a woman you're sometimes mad at the man and vice-versa.  And now we have a bunch that are mad at the Police because one or two may have made a mistake (I'm not gonna take a side on this because I don't want you mad at me) and another bunch mad at the first bunch for being mad at the Police.  The whole world is mad it seems and if you aren't mad.... Just give the media a day or two and I can guarantee you they will make you mad about something.  I remember when the newscasters just reported the news and now their job is to make you mad and tell you who to be mad at.

Sometimes all of this being mad just makes me sick and tired.  I don't want to be mad anymore.  I want to just get along.  I want to like everyone and be nice to everyone and I want everyone to be nice to me.  I'm tired of all the protesting  and burning buildings and profanity laced comments and the such.  I've decided to not be mad at anyone anymore.  At least I'm not gonna be mad anymore until my Georgia Bulldawgs get beat again and then whatever team beats them better watch out because I have the whole WORLD WIDE WEB at my finger tips and I'm gonna be reaaaaal mad........  Just something to think about......................................