Wednesday, December 28, 2011


I must have been eleven or twelve years old.  Mom was going to teach me how to iron a shirt.  Now at that age, learning to iron was not  one of the things on my  "Things I want to learn to do list."  I tried to tell her I had no interest in learning how to iron any dumb clothes, and besides,  ironing was  woman's work  and I wasn't a sissy.  Of course my mom was hard headed and wouldn't listen to the good reasoning of a twelve year old.  She began to tell me that it would be a good thing to know how to do in years to come.  Little did she know that I would grow up with the attitude of "I don't have to impress anybody" and ironed clothes would never be at the top of any list I ever had.  But to make a long story short.....At the age of twelve I learned to iron.

I would grab the shirt, lay it on the board and just start ironing.  Mom would say  "NO NO NO....You have to do it in certain steps.  You must start with the shoulders."
Then  she would then gently place the shirt on the Ironing board and smooth it out with her hands first,  then test the iron with her index finger, which she had stuck into her mouth to get wet, by touching her wet finger to the iron and listening to the sizzle to insure it was hot enough.  This was my favorite part of ironing because it involved what I determined to be danger.....A manly thing.  As I would try to iron,  my first priority was to get finished.  Outside there were football games to be won or wars to be fought.  I didn't have time for all this girly stuff, but I can still hear mom's voice saying  "slow down,,,,,hold your horses,,,,Don't get ahead of yourself!!!"

 Patience and order have never been a virtues of mine.  I've always been a "let's get finished person."  When I was a kid they said I had ants in my pants and couldn't sit still.  I had to be going all the time.  If they would have had Ritalin back then  it would have been my number one food group.

I say all this just to let you know, I once again have gotten ahead of myself. Sometimes I forget important lesson I've learned in the past. You see two days ago I wrote my post for the New Year.  Now I always publish my post as soon as I get through writing them.  Of course I usually get Peggy to do some proof reading first, but they are published within 30 minutes of writing.  For some reason when I finished the New Year post I just saved it.  I didn't really know why.  Peggy asked...." Do you not want me to read your post today?" My reply was  "I'm not going to publish it right now,  you can read it later.  I may change some things."  The New Year post is just that....It's all about the coming new year.  I think what I'm trying to say is "It's great to look ahead, but in order to look ahead with the right attitude,  we must first look at the past.....When I wrote the new year post I had got ahead of myself.

What made me think of this was a phone call I got yesterday from my Brother-in Law Julian.  Now a phone call from Julian isn't unusual.  Julian and I talk on the phone three or four times a week for an hour or two each time.   Julian and I have what most people might consider a unique relationship.  Let me start by saying when we met I was around the age of twelve and Julian was around twenty two.  Right off the bat we had something in common.  We both loved the same girl,  my sister Dianne.  Another thing we both had in common was we reached the age of adulthood in the same year....I was 35 and Julian was 45.   We thought we had done pretty good because Julian's uncle Jack didn't grow up until he was 85 people said.  We were way ahead of schedule.  When Julian came into the family he was a member immediately.  He was always like the older brother I never had.  We have had some times in the past that would be good reading for maybe an adult blog but it would probably be best not to write about them here.

Well,  getting back to the phone call,  we were talking about different things and he brought up some things about this past year.  He mentioned about the death of my cousin Stuart and the deaths of some other friends.  We talked of getting older and not being able to do things we use to.  We talked about the health of some of our family members and we also talked about some personal problems some of our family members have had and were having.  Now you can look at the things we talked about and it may start to get you down.  You may say to yourself how depressing all of that is.  but I say to you think a little deeper.

I can remember bad times in my life.  I can remember decisions my children have made that most people would call mistakes.  I can think of many things I've done that most if not all of us would say were bad decision or poor judgement on my part, except.......except....those decisions,  those mistakes,  those poor judgements weren't the end of the story.  Life went on.  Those bad judgements made us stronger people.  Sometimes those mistakes changed our priorities in life.  Sometimes they set us straight.  I've always liked the saying "What doesn't kill me will make me stronger."

Yes,  Julian and I talk of getting older.  We talk sometimes of our ailments.  We talk of our kids and grand kids.  We talk of times when we were young growing up in Atlanta.
We talk about Kirkwood and Grant Park and Cabbagetown.  We talk like I said sometimes for hours.  Julian is always nice to me because he says he's afraid no one else will talk to him as often as I do.  We talk about the past and the past is important.  It's important because it has helped to determine where we go from here.  And going forward isn't a depressing thing.  It's an exciting thing. so sit back and enjoy.........and

Don't get ahead of yourself!!!!

Monday, December 26, 2011


Well friends,  Christmas is gone for another year.  My hope is yours was a great celebration with family and friends.  I know mine was and I thank God for another year of life.  But now we ask ourselves.... "What now?"    Sometimes it's hard to slow down after all the excitement we've just come through.  I believe that's why we have the New Year so soon after Christmas.  New years is different things to different people.  Some look at it as a time to party.  Some of us love to shoot off fireworks.   To some it is all about football and the bowl games and to some it is again about eating.  Have you every noticed we Americans are always able to make eating the center of all celebrations?  And no!!!!!!!  this isn't another post about eating or food.  Another thing we think of when we think of the New Year is resolutions.  Now I have made plenty of those in the past and again this year I will think of something to change about me in order  to make my life better or to make me a better person.  Will I keep my resolutions?  I have no idea but I will promise to keep at least some of them.  Some of them you say....Yes some of them....There will be more than one.

Every year I do an art show in Brookhaven which is a community in Atlanta.  This year as I was sitting up my birdhouses,  a young lady that is also a vendor came up to my tent.  She looked familiar to me but I couldn't quite place her.  This happens often and usually after we talk for a few minutes I can remember them.  That was the case with this lady.  She told me she lived just south of Chattanooga Tennessee and that the year before she had bought one of my birdhouses.  She said she had bought a birdhouse from me that looked like a traffic light and she wanted to see if I had another like it.  Most of my houses are one of a kind but the traffic light is one of the few I duplicate because I sell so many of them.  As I was hanging the birdhouse from the top of the tent,  she looked up at the traffic light and the biggest smile came to her face.  As she looked up at the traffic light birdhouse she said  "I want to tell you a story about the house I bought from you."   As she went on she told of taking the birdhouse home.  She told of hanging it in a tree in her front yard and about birds nesting in it.  She told me about how all her neighbors and friends just loved the house and about the wonderful comments she had gotten about it.  She then told me about the tragedy that had struck her family.  She told me about the tornadoes that had come through on April 27th.  How her house was gone.  All of her belongings were gone.  Her trees were all broken and pulled up by the roots.  Then that smile came to her face again and she said  "All the trees but one."  One tree was left in her front yard.  And on that tree,  still hanging where she and her husband had placed it was the traffic light birdhouse.  She said for some reason that birdhouse gave her assurance that all would be well.

This young lady didn't look back at the bad things that had happened.  She looked forward.  On that day,  April 27, 2011,  she made a resolution to go forward.  I'm sure she has had disappointments since then and failures since that day but I am also sure she is still going forward with that smile on her face.  As I get ready for the New Year I too resolve to look forward.  I also will have disappointments and failures but I will put a smile on my face and continue to put one foot in front of the other. I will do as the old saying goes,  I will  "keep on keepin on."   I will keep on because MY GOD is in control.

So you ask,  "What are some of my resolutions?"  

Well for one, On January 2,  2012 I will begin training for the Peachtree Road Race and on July 4th for the first time in my life I will participate in this event.  No ,  I won't run it but I will walk it and I will proudly wear my T shirt.

Number two:  And this will be the hardest,  Just after the first of the year,  I will begin writing a book.  I have had many of you ask me about doing this or tell me I should write a book but in the past I have always declined...Last week I asked myself why not do it.  I've always wanted to write a book but have felt I didn't have the talent.  I was afraid I would fail.  Then I thought about a story I read many years ago about a man that had always wanted to be a lawyer but had always found an excuse not to go back to school.  The man was fifty years old and was talking to his daughter about this dream he had always had, but he told her..... "It will probably take me 5 or 6 years to get my Law Degree.  By then I will be 55 or even maybe 56."
To this his daughter replied...."And if you don't go back to school, won't  you will still be 55 or 56 years old in 5 or 6 years?"
So what are my expectations of my book?  What will make it a success?  Are we talking getting it published?  Are we talking copies sold?  None of the above .  I finally figured out that to be successful at writing a book,  all you have to do is write it.

Number three:  I will get back to reading my Bible.  For years I have studied what others say about God's word.  I have read commentary after commentary and article after article about what the Bible says.  Peggy once told me I had more books than some libraries.  I have even watched TV programs about God and the creation of the earth.  I have listened to politicians talk about abortion and other things of morality for years.  One of the first things I believed about being a Christian was the Doctrine of Priesthood of the Believer.  The belief that I could go to God through Jesus without any other mediator and that God would revel to me all I needed to know through His word.  Don't get me wrong.  I believe these commentaries and articles are good but I need to get back to the basics....Back to God's word.  and why would I want to study Gods Word more you ask?

 Philippians 3:10 (The Amplified): “For my determined purpose is that I may know Him that I may progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him, perceiving and recognizing and understanding the wonders of His Person more strongly and more clearly, and that I may in that same way come to know the power out flowing from His resurrection which it exerts over believers and that I may so share His sufferings as to be continually transformed in spirit into His likeness even to His death, in the hope.”

I pray this will be your purpose also in the coming year.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given

Does that verse cause chills to run up your spine?  Does it cause you heart to beat faster?  Does it bring a tear to your eye?

To me it does all the above.  During this time of year we are filled with so many emotions. We are filled with so many feelings.  Sometimes we think of feelings and emotions as the same but they aren't.  Our feeling are the results of our emotions.  And our feeling change during this time of year.  Our feelings change often and we may not be feeling the same things as others feel.  Some of us will feel love.  Some of us will feel optimism.  Some of us will feel awe.  On the other hand, some will feel disappointment,  remorse,  contempt or loneliness.  At time during past Christmas holidays I have felt all of these feelings.  I don't ever remembering disappointment because I didn't receive a gift I wanted, but I do remember be disappointed that I wasn't able to maybe give the gift I wanted to give.  I remember a feeling of loneliness at not being able to spend time with family that have been called before me.

  I remember family get togethers at Aunt Frances' house when I was a child.  I know at times we had these parties at other family members houses but for some reason the ones at Aunt Frances come to mind.  I can remember my aunts and uncles telling stories.  Uncle C.W always had a practical joke to play it seemed and the laughter was continuous.  Us kids would run in and out of the house, playing games of chase and hide and go seek, and I'm sure we would forget to shut the door behind us,  but I don't remember anyone getting upset over the heat going out or the cold coming in.  As I sit here and think about those times,  I know us kids received gifts but to save my life I can't remember anything I got.  It took a few years to realize that the real gifts I received weren't material.

As I reminisce about family Christmas parties at mom and dads or my mother and father-in-laws or at our house, the same thing happened at them all.  Good food,  good fellowship and some material gifts that are gone but the oh wow, wonderful memories that last and last.  The feelings of love and laughter and sharing.  I'm getting excited about this years family party just thinking about it.  Ahhhhh the feeling of anticipation.

As I type this, Peggy is out shopping.  It will be fun watching the kids open presents.  It will be great to all be together.  But as I type this I also think of the many gifts I have received already.  The gift of answered prayers this year and in years past.  I have thanked God many times for the gift of life but this year, maybe for the first time, I really realize the meaning of this gift.  The gift of family.  This could be a daily post I write about for years.  There are many members of my family and each and every one is very special but the one thing they all share is a love for each other.  I hear many people say... " If I ever need anything, all I have to do is ask my family members."   Well let me tell you.  I don't even have to ask.  It just gets done.  Oh...and friends...I have the most wonderful friends.  Many of them I have not seen in several years but when we do get together,  it seems we were together yesterday.  What a blessing the gift of friendship is.

I just finished reading a news article about Joseph Villavisencio.  He was a football player for Texas A&M.  If you didn't happen to catch the story, it tells about this young man being killed in an automobile accident this past Thursday.  It said he was returning from giving out Christmas gifts at a local shelter.  To my way of thinking this news article was wrong.  He wasn't give out presents.  He was giving himself to others.  It was his time...It was his caring.....It was his energy...and in a sense it was his heart and he was giving it to others.  May God rest his soul.

As I was writing this, it came to mind  that all of these gifts I mentioned really come from God.  Even Joseph the football player's gift,  his life, came from God.  It made me think of the scripture  "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change."
Oh sure.  I already knew this but sometimes I need reminding of things.  Sometimes I need God to renew a certain spirit in me that only He can do.  Hmmmmm.  I guess you could say this renewal is a gift from God also.

We could probably go on and on about God's gifts to us.  In the next couple of days I hope to be reminded often of what God has given to me and I also hope I will remember to give Him proper thanks and praise.  We all of course will remember to thank him for His most wonderful and best gift,  His Son and our Savior Jesus Christ.  But let's not forget the other gifts.  The ones we take for granted.  The ones that bless us so much everyday.


Sunday, December 11, 2011


I don't remember what year it was.  It wasn't that long ago.  Maybe four or five years.  I do remember it was an early Spring day.   Spring is by far my favorite time of year.  It is a time of renewal.  The air seems cleaner.  The trees are getting a new coat of leaves.  The Jonquils are showing off with their new flowers. 

We have Red bud Trees in our front yard.  They are one of the very first things to bloom and this year in particular they seemed to be showing off in their beauty more than in years past.  We also have a Tulip Tree and  for the previous three or four years a late frost had killed the buds and we didn't have the flowers on it that we had anticipated.  This year was different.  The word beauty does not do the Tulip tree justice. 

Spring is also a time of anticipation.  I mentioned the plants above but Peggy has done a great job with our yard.  We have something in bloom all summer it seems, so even with the flowers already mentioned, I knew I still had the azaleas, roses, amaryllis and the other  lilies to look forward to.  This isn't even talking about the fruit trees that had yet to start to bloom.

So as you can see,  all was great.  I had to go somewhere that day.  Maybe to the grocery store or possibly to the post office.   As I recall this day of my life, the destination isn't important.  I just remember getting into the car and driving off.  The temperarture was such that there was no way I was going to use the air conditioner.  I rolled down all the windows and just let God's creation fill my body.  I know I had a big smile on my face as turned on to the highway on this magnificent day.  I turned on the radio.  On a day like this you need a little music.  As I found the station I wanted to listen to, I thought to myself,  "Nothing could make this day better."  Little did I know what was to follow.

A song came on the radio.  A song I had heard many times before, but as I think back now, I ask,  "Had I really heard this song?"  Sure I had heard the music.  I even knew most of the words but had I listened to the song?  Or maybe the best way to explain what I'm trying to say is    "Had I let the song speak to me?"  

The song started off :
                                                                                                                            When I get where I'm going
On the far side of the sky
The first thing that I'm gonna do
Is spread my wings and fly

As I heard this verse I thought......What a wonderful thing it will be to fly around, to feel the freedom, to enjoy wonders of heaven....And then the next verse was sung:

I'm gonna land beside a lion
And run my fingers through his mane
Or I might find out what it's like
To ride a drop of rain

Oh the things I will see I thought.  All the wonders of God's beautiful creation will be at my fingertips.  I will be able to enjoy them more than I do even on a beautiful day like today.  The smile on my face by then was so big I knew that if a car pulled up beside me and glanced over they would wonder what I was up to.  But then came the next verse:

I'm gonna walk with my grand daddy
And he'll match me step for step
And I'll tell him how I missed him
Every minute since he left
Then I'll hug his neck

As i heard this verse, not my grand daddy, but  my dad came to my mind.  The memory of the last years of his life with first the limps,  then the canes and walkers, and then him being bed ridden.  But then the thought of him once again matching me step for step.  His laughter.  We will once again throw a ball and fish for crappy. Oh the things I will tell him.  As I thought of this the tears started to well up in my eyes.  I could tell my nose was beginning to run.  Then this chorus came out:

Yeah when I get where I'm going
There'll be only happy tears
I will shed the sins and struggles
I have carried all these years
And I'll leave my heart wide open
I will love and have no fear
Yeah when I get where I'm going
Don't cry for me down here

As this chorus was being sung, my thoughts went to others that had gone before me.  Thoughts of  my Mom and aunts and uncles.  Of my Mother-in-law and Father-in-law.  Of Peggy's baby sister who had died at the age of four.  Of my cousin Ginny's daughter Kay Cee that I never took the time to really get to know.  Of my high school friends that God called home at early ages.  Oh what a reunion it will be I thought
...what a reunion it will be.  By now the tears were streaming down my face.  Not sad tears but happy tears.  Tears of excitement, and I thought to myself.....What will the people in the car next to me think now?...And then came the final verse...The verse that broke the dam:

But when I get where I'm going
And I see my maker's face
I'll stand forever in the light
Of his amazing grace
Yeah when I get where I'm going
There'll be only happy tears
I will love and have no fear
When I get where I'm going
Yeah when I get where I'm going

All of a sudden I was crying like a baby.  I was raising my hands praising God.  I was shouting Hallelujahs and never wanted the song to end.  I knew if the police pulled me over they would think I was on some kind of drugs but I didn't care because I was high on the love of My God.  Think about those last two words of the previous sentence......MY GOD...MY GOD is an awesomeGod................................................

                         Yeah...When I get where I'm going!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, December 8, 2011


The other day I watched a movie call "get low".  It stared Robert Duvall who is one of my favorite actors.  If you have not seen the movie,  it's about an old hermit that is getting old and is concerned with what people will say about him and how he will be remembered after he dies.  So what he does is give himself a funeral while he is still alive.

 Have you ever wondered how you will be remembered after you die?  Now be honest.  No one else can hear your answer.  If I ask myself that question, and am totally honest with myself,  the answer would be yes.  I have wondered.  I have seven grand children and have often wondered what they will tell their kids and grand kids about me in 50 years.  I would like for my memory to last longer than that, but I figure somewhere around 50 years is about the max for most of us.  After that long, my hope of any memories of me, if there are any, will be recorded in a book somewhere.  If the memory of you happens to be  longer than that, chances are you were either a really really good person or a really really bad person, and even then most information about you will be second hand.

A while back I started looking up some history about the Daniell family.  Genealogy they call it.  There are some pretty interesting fact about my ancestors.  The first Daniell in America was a man named Robert Daniell.  He was a governor of South Carolina and of North Carolina.   He lived in Charleston and Daniel Island is named after him.  There is much more information about him I may share later.  Another ancestor of  mine was David Daniell.  He was sent  by Baptist State Convention to start a mission church in the  tiny railroad town called Atlanta.  This mission grew to be The First Baptist Church of Atlanta.  The old covered bridge on Concord Road was also built by an ancestor of mine.  I have always been told my Grandfather's family was the fifth family to settle in Mableton.  My grandfather, Arthur Daniell, told me they moved to Mableton from Marietta in a wagon and it took them three days to move.  That was in 1883.  To me these are pretty impressive things to know, but most of this I have found in books or on the Internet.  Not by word of mouth or by stories passed down by the family.  I wonder if Robert or David or Arthur Daniell ever wondered how they would be remembered?

As I was thinking about how I would be remembered, it came to my mind about a lady I had known.  A lady that was one of the best Christian ladies I have ever known.  A lady that was one of the sweetest people I have ever met.  Her name was Jo Ann Queen and she was called home to be with the Lord, to my way of thinking, at far to young of age.  Of course the Lord called her home so I know it was the right time.  It came to my mind about a funeral Peggy and I went to.  I don't remember if it was Jo Ann's father or her husband's father's funeral.  What I do remember was that the church was way back in the north Georgia mountains.  I remember the little country church was full and some people had on suits that cost several hundred dollars and some were dressed in overalls and had just come out of the fields.  It was a little church that had been built in 1948.  I remember the year because it was the year I was born.  I ask Jo Ann if this was the church she grew up in and she said it was.  She said it still looked the same as it always had.  I asked her if it had grown in membership much and she said that it was about the same size as it had always been.  I remember they had a picnic table on the side of the church and when the funeral was over I walked over to the table and set down by myself.  As I sit there I wondered  how many people have driven by this church over the years and thought to themselves,  "This church looks the same as always,  hasn't grown any,  it's a shame it hasn't been successful in reaching the lost." 

But my memory of that little country church is much different.  My memory is of a church that sent a wonderful Christian lady out into the world to spread the Good News.  It prepared her well and I wonder how many others that little church has sent out.  I wonder how many souls have been reached because of that little country church.  In my mind that little church has been very successful.

Years ago when I was a very young boy,  my Daddy gave me some very valuable advice.  He said...."Wes,  If you will keep your eyes wide open everyday.  Look in every direction.  Be observant.  Every day you will see something you have never seen before.  And if you will keep your ears open.  Listening to all the sounds around you.  You will hear something new and beautiful every day.  And Wes,,,If you will learn to keep you mouth shut,  you will learn something every day."

That day at that little country church I learned something new.  I learned that two people can look at the exact same thing and see something totally different. 

I would wish to be remembered as someone that could see the good in the small things of life.

And he called unto him his disciples, and said unto them, Verily I say unto you, This poor widow cast in more than all they that are casting into the treasury:

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Peggy told me the other day if I continued to write about food and the places where we have eaten,  people would begin to think all I ever thought about was food.  Although food does fill a large part of my time I occasionally have other thoughts.  I bring this up because this post will begin with a thought of food, but I hope it will end by giving you food for thought.

Peggy is a wonderful cook and by wonderful I mean fantastic.  Guess what......This wasn't always true.  In the first years of our marriage I remember trying to eat raw okra,  burned butter beans and doughy biscuits.  But she continued to try and it soon paid off.  Then I was put on this diet of low fat and very low sodium, and after 40 years, she all of a sudden had to learn to cook all over again.  Oh sure you say,  anyone can cook something eatable but the trick is to cook something that taste good.  Try it sometime.  It's not as easy as you may think.  But once again, to her credit,  she continued  trying  and I must admit she has gotten pretty good at cooking healthy style.  If fact she has become so good at it that many times I again eat to much.  So good food is what brought this blog to my mind.  Peggy is always looking for something new to cook.  She will find a new recipe, and then substitute this for that and take this out and put that in ( for health reasons ) and prepare us a new and most times a wonderful meal.

Last week we were sitting in the living room.  I was reading a book or something and she was looking at new recipes and all of a sudden she asked..."Have you ever had salmon stew?"  Now our diet consist of much fish and chicken.  In fact that is about the only meat we eat.  We eat a lot of fish and when I say a lot....I mean a lot.  Not fried but baked or broiled.  And not frozen or canned but fresh fish.  As I thought about salmon stew,  it started to sound good.  Of course she would use fresh salmon,  not canned and she would leave the salt out.  And no canned corn but frozen corn because they use a lot of salt in canned foods and she would use other fresh vegetables..  You get the idea.  It's what I call abstract cooking.  By the way,  I promise this post  isn't about food.  Anyway,  Peggy prepared the stew and made some low sodium low fat corn bread for dinner.  As we were eating she looked over at me and said  "What do you think?"    As I shoveled another spoon full into my mouth I said   "This stew is great,  I love it."  Peggy's response caught me by surprise.  It made me stop eating for a second.  It triggered something in my mind that I knew would be the subject of a blog.  She said,  "It's OK,  but it taste like salmon to me."  Imagine that...Salmon stew that taste like salmon.  I replied..." Yep,  salmon stew that taste like salmon and did you notice the corn bread taste like cornbread?"

But what she said made me think.  Not of food.  Not about the recipe she used.  Not even about how good a bowl of that corn bread with butter milk would taste.  It made me think about our expectations.  What did Peggy expect salmon stew to taste like?  Surely not like pumpkin pie and whip cream.  I thought about expectations and hope.  You know,,,they're not the same thing.

I thought back to the times when I was a small child and Christmas was  just around the corner.  Back then Sears and Roebuck would send out a big catalog through the mail each year.  It was what we called the Christmas wish book.  Mom would tell me to go through the catalog and circle what I wanted but to remember Santa had a world full of kids so I couldn't have everything,,,,I couldn't be greedy.  So I made myself a rule.  I could only circle one thing on each page.  As I think back, I ask myself..."Did I expect to get everything I circled or just hope to get everything?"  Of course I didn't expect everything.  I may have hoped for everything but my expectations were much more realistic.  Then I thought about the farmer.  How he plows and plants the seed and fertilizes and hoes the weeds out of the field.  Does he hope for a harvest or expect a harvest.  I believe he expects a harvest.  Why you ask?  Because he has done what he should have done.  He has an interest in that field.  Does that assure him a good harvest.  Not at all but even if he doesn't get the harvest he expects he will again plant the field next year.  And he will plant again with expectations.  If he doesn't get his great harvest but his neighbor  has a great harvest,  does that mean God loves the neighbor more?  Now that opens a lot of questions doesn't it?  Does God love your neighbor more than you because he has more material things?  Does He love you more than me because I've had a problem with my health and you haven't.  We could continue to ask similar questions like these for days but the answer is easy if you study God's word.

The answer is in my shop.  Or that's where I found it.  Peggy went to Michael's one day and they were selling grab bags of merchandise that they wanted to get out of their store.  She bought a couple of bags and brought them home.  As we opened the bags we were shocked to see so many paint brushes.  They're out in my shop.  I have big paint brushes and small paint brushes.  I have fat paint brushes and tiny paint brushes.  I bet I have 200 paint brushes and everyone is different.  I use them all.  some more than others but I have used everyone of them at some time or another.  You may ask.  "Where is this simple answer you were talking about?"  It's in the brushes.  We're like the brushes.    Some of us have a bigger role than others.. some of us have a tiny role but God loves us all the same and God will use us all.  You see...God is painting a masterpiece and he needs every brush...He needs you and me to complete the masterpiece.  He expects us to be ready to be used of Him.  And what can you expect of God?  His Grace,  His Providence, His understanding, His comfort,  His love  and so much more..These aren't things you need to hope for.  These are thing you can expect from God.

Next time you go to Home Depot or Walmart and see a paint brush take a second and stop....Say a short prayer thanking God that you are a part of His masterpiece. 

Merry Christmas.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


A few weeks ago Peggy and I went to the mall to walk.  Yep,  that's right,  to walk.  No shopping,  just walking.  I need to go more often than I do.  The doctor says the exercise is good for me and actually,  I enjoy it.  The only problem is finding the time.  Seems there are never enough hours in the day.  When we go to the mall to walk I usually walk up and down each and every nook and cranny but Peggy will kind of take the short cuts and stay on the main walkway.  Because of this, I walk faster than she does and sometimes get a little ahead.

On this particular day I was a little in front of Peggy but not as far ahead as I thought.  As I rounded a corner I caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of my eye.  I know this has happened to you before.  I thought to myself,  "what was that?"  As I turned to look again I saw Peggy.........but who was that old man she was walking with?  As I rub my eyes and looked again I suddenly realized the old man was me.  I was looking into a mirror.  Oh no I thought.  That can't be me.....I'm not that must be my eyesight. That's when I decided I needed to go have my eyes checked.  When we got home I tried to remember the last time I had gone to an eye doctor.  Best I could remember it had been over 40 years.  That's right,  over 40 years.  You see,  I've never liked doctors.  I once read that most of the time when you feel sick,  by the time you get to the doctor your body is already healing itself.  Until my surgery I never went to the doctor and if not for the EMS and Peggy and my daughter Vicki,  I probably wouldn't have gone to the hospital that day.  My mom use to say her papa use to say the cemetery was full of doctors mistakes.  Anyway, I called and made myself an appointment with the eye doctor.

As I had made my appointment I realized I would be going downtown Atlanta.  Now as I've told you before,  the doctors have me on a pretty strict diet.  In fact they have almost stopped my going out to eat because it's so hard to find healthy food in restaurants  We use to always take advantage of  our trips downtown as an excuse for a meal.  Many times we would just go to the Varsity.  Oh I know it's not fancy or anything but there is something special about a glorified steak, a chili dog, onion rings and a frosted orange or PC.  If you're from metro Atlanta and have been to the Varsity very often,  you know that as soon as you walk up to the counter, someone is gonna yell and ask you...  "WHAT'LL YA HAVE?"   Have you ever wondered who the first person to ask "What'll you have " at the Varsity was?  Seems like a pretty good question to me.  Kind of like was the first person to ever milk a cow a pervert?  Oh well,,,back to the story.  Of course I knew there was no way I was going to eat At the Varsity but it was a good thought.  Then as I was thinking, as it seems is normal for me,  my mind began to rush.  I mean it began to run 90 miles per hour, and I started to think about how much of our lives are centered around  eating.

I remember as a very young boy of going to see the Atlanta Crackers play baseball at Ponce de Leon ballpark with my  dad.  They had the very best ice cream cones that have ever been.  And sometimes after the games we would go to the BAR-B-QUE Kitchen in Brookhaven and some of the ball players would always be in there eating.  I even met Eddie Mathews and Bob Montag there.  And I remember Dad loading the whole family up and taking us to a new hamburger joint they had just opened out on Peachtree Road.  They had hamburgers for 15 cents.  Dad said they were going to open more of these drive-ins in Atlanta but this was the first one.  They called it McDonalds.  Oh and did you ever eat at the Rio Vista.?  All the catfish you could eat.  And how about Lums.  Great hot dogs and all kinds of beer.  Was the first dark beer I ever saw.  And if you wanted nice,  you could always go to the Coach and 6 or several other quality restaurants.  I remember on mine and Peggy's first date we went to a place called Sturdlies Steak House.  In my opinion they had the best steaks in Atlanta at the time.  If memory serves me, that was our date....just dinner....but it was full night.  Our second date she suggested where we go but I will save that story for another post.

The first night of our honeymoon we spent on the 23 floor of the Holiday Inn in West Memphis Arkansas, looking up the Mississippi River.  It was a very large suite on the corner of the building with wrap around windows  We decided to just order room service and the meal was fantastic.  The next morning when we went to check out and settle our bill,  they said the meal was on the house and congratulations.  We drove to San francisco and then flew to Hawaii for a few days.  Our first morning there we decided to once again just order room service and eat on the balcony overlooking the beach.  When they brought our breakfast, the trays were garnished with orchards.  We were amazed because there is no telling what the flowers would have cost at home.

I can recall eating at the San Jacinta  Inn in Houston Texas and at Mama Leone's in New York City.  The first Red lobster I ever ate at was in St. Petersburg Florida and I remember thinking I bet a restaurant like this would go over good in Atlanta. 

Yes......much of our life is lived around a table of food.....some good...some not so good.  I like almost everything there is to eat.....everything but hominy.  If you don't want me to eat just put hominy on the table.  I once had a vision of  a man entering into hell.  They were going to have a feast to welcome him there.  The  Devil was sitting on his throne surrounded by 666 lawyers.  The tables were full of beautiful china.  When everyone sat down to eat the bowls of food were uncovered and they were all filled with hominy.  From the day I had that vision,  I have been convinced hominy was of the devil.

You know,  I may get up in the morning and make Peggy's breakfast for her.  But before I cook,  I'm going to smile at her and ask...."WHAT'LL YA HAVE?"