Sunday, March 8, 2015

ORDINARY MIRACLES...............

I remember sitting in the stillness of the morning....  It is so quiet.....  It is so still....    I have so many questions that run through my mind....  Questions I believe others have also, but maybe are afraid to voice.  Afraid for fear someone will question their faith....  afraid someone may look down on them.  I have those fears also...... I want  to be stronger.  I want my faith to grow and I don't ever want to have any doubts.  I sometimes feel so alone in my faith,  so alone in my thoughts.  I feel as if no one else has ever questioned God and His  existence,,,,,,,,,  but then I tell myself,,,,,  surely I'm not the only one,,,,, surely others have felt this way.  I know it can't be   "just me."    If God loves me so much  I ask..... "Why does He let some things happen?  Why does He let bad things happen?  Why does He allow people to suffer?  Why do I sometimes feel so all alone in my mind?"  My mind shouts out, hoping for answers...... "WHY ???  WHY GOD????,,,,,  WHY?"  I then ask,  for what I'm sure  others have asked for,  long before I ever felt this way......  I can't be the first to wonder these things can I?...... I say... "God,  just give me "A SIGN".  Show me something so I will KNOW WITHOUT DOUBT that You are there....  I need to know that You are God........  I need to know that You are watching over me......  I need to know that You are in control......  I need to know that Your love is everlasting....... Please God.....Please give me a sign..... Please  God,  show me a "MIRACLE"................

The screaming that was in my mind just a few seconds ago is now all of a sudden gone.....  The quietness returns......  The stillness once again surrounds me....  And then.....  I feel a quilt.....  I feel a guilt because I have "Questioned God."  And then,  just as quickly as the quietness returned,   came the memory of the verse Matthew 8:26 to my mind........  "And he said unto them, Why are you fearful, O you of little faith? Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm."  Maybe.......   just maybe,  my answers were in this verse I said to myself.   Or...or could it be,  that this verse,  this one little verse that I had read so  many times before..... Could this one verse that so quickly came to my mind  be the miracle I needed?.... It came out of nowhere.  It came to me when I needed it most.  It made me see that even the Disciples had these same feelings that  I have.  Yes even the chosen twelve were at times weak. And what did Jesus do when the doubts and fears and the questions were placed in their minds?  He quieted the storm and calmed the seas.   Think about this......  "HE QUIETED THE STORM AND CALMED THE SEAS."   .....This verse had come  so quickly.....  This verse had come to my mind  in such a subtle way......  It came as what we may call an "ORDINARY MIRACLE."

Yes..... It is a quiet morning...  I rise early.....  I look out the window and see the sun coming up.  It comes up in the east every morning.  I take the sunrise for granted most mornings, but this morning I think about it rising. Oh we all enjoy the beauty of a sunrise but do we stop and think about the reliability of the sun coming up.  It's there every morning.  Even when it's raining and cloudy and we can't see the sun,  we know it's there.  We can feel it.   Man can't stop the sun from rising and man can't slow it down.  That sun could be called an "ORDINARY MIRACLE."   Of course it's not really "ORDINARY" but it's one of those things we don't think about being a "MIRACLE."  These "ORDINARY MIRACLES" are all around us.  The birds and how they fly with such ease and grace through the air.  The flowers and trees and how they grow and flourish.  A baby being born and even the way another person can make you feel just by being around them.  We call this love but if you really think about it.....It's a "MIRACLE."  Oh, we may take these things for granted.   We may say we are thankful for all of nature and our families and all our friends.  We can look back on our life and our experiences and good times and what we call bad times and think that it all just happened.......  but it didn't just happen.  And it's not just "ORDINARY".  Not "ORDINARY" at all, but it is a 'MIRACLE."   Life is a miracle.

Again I say YES....  It is a quiet and still morning.  I look around me with these eyes God has given me and realize that sight is a "MIRACLE."  And I look around me with my mental eyes and I see the things I have done and the places I have been.  I see so many people that have been in my life and the pleasure they have brought me and the things they have taught me.  I see the love I have been given and I see  "THE  SIGN"   .......  yes I see "THE SIGN"  that  just a few minutes ago, I had asked God to show to me.  I see you and I realize,  "YOU are a MIRACLE."  And I see that there are NO ordinary miracles.  All miracles are "EXTRAORDINARY."   So I would say to you this morning  Thank you for being a miracle in my life.....

Just something to think about...........................................