Friday, December 7, 2012

Sittin' in the mornin' sun
I'll be sittin' when the evenin' come
Watching the ships roll in
And then I watch 'em roll away again

As I sit here this morning,  as usual my mind goes in many directions.  I think of times past.  I think of friends and family,  of good times and sad times, but mostly good times.  I think of times spent in the mountains and times at the beach.  I think of laughter ringing in the air and of tears gently falling to the ground.  I think of children playing in the park,  full of energy, and I also think of a child snuggled in my arms,  full of contentment and their feelings of security and peace.....And then...just as quick as the eye can blink my mind goes to times still to come.  The "future" we call it.  What does it hold for me?  What does it hold for those I love? Being almost 65, I'm in what I like to call the forth quarter of the game but if the Lord is willing and this pig valve is strong enough to survive the excitement yet to come, who knows?  After all, many a game has been won in the forth quarter.  And then just as quickly as my mind went from the past to the future an old song pops into my mind.  A song from 1967.  A song made famous by a Georgia boy and recorded on this day,  December 7, 1967.  Three days later Otis Redding would die in a plane crash outside Madison, Wisconsin.

When Otis Redding, along with Steve Cropper, wrote this song,  I wonder where their minds were?  Were they thinking of times past or dreaming of things to come?  You can be sure it was one or the other.  When my mind goes back to the past,  some of my best thinking was done while gazing at the waters.  Made no difference if it was sitting beside a small creek, in a boat on a peaceful lake or looking at the beautiful colors or the powerful waves of the oceans from the beach or a pier.  It seems water always takes us on a trip if only in our mind.

As always, when I started writing today, I had no idea where I was going.  I still don't, but as I just now stopped to read what I had so far put on paper something hit me.  Have you ever noticed how much of our lives we live in the past or the future?  It's old times or when I was in school or back when I was young etc etc.  Then the next thing you know,  it's December the 7th and we're saying,  "Well next year I'm going to do this or do that."   I wonder what Otis Redding had planned for December 11,  1967?
Oh sure,  it's nice to look back.  It's fun to think of the things we did but it's also sad to think of the things we didn't do.  Can you think of one thing you wish you had told someone, but didn't?  Can you remember that one person you wish you had called just to let them know you were thinking of them, but didn't?  There's no going back now.  The time has past.  And how about that old friend you haven't talked to in months or years.  You know the one.  The one you told your spouse that y'all needed to go see as soon as the Holidays are over,  things slow down and we had more time, or the old aunt or uncle that is shut-in that you've been meaning to go see but just haven't found the time.  Listen to that excuse ...."Haven't found the time."  I found time to watch that football game.  I found time to rake the leaves.  I found time to go shopping. Hmmmmmm.......maybe it's not finding time that's the problem....maybe it's MAKING time that's the problem.  Or how about just saying a prayer for someone you love.  I've prayed for people and I've been prayed for.  It doesn't take much time.  I remember just after my heart surgery running into an old friend and they told me..."I heard about your surgery and I've been praying for you."  I looked at him and said..."I know,  I could feel it."  And I could.   I talked to my sister last night who will have her surgery next week and to my brother-in law.  They both talked about the out pouring of prayers they had received and the strength and comfort the prayers had given them.  Prayers are like love..."they don't cost anything but are more valuable that silver and gold."

You know,  I don't have a past that I can change and I don't have a future that's promised to me.  All I have is today.   It's all you have too.  Make it count.

I'm sittin' on the dock of the bay
Watching the tide roll away
Ooo, I'm just sittin' on the dock of the bay
Wastin' time