Wednesday, December 21, 2011

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given

Does that verse cause chills to run up your spine?  Does it cause you heart to beat faster?  Does it bring a tear to your eye?

To me it does all the above.  During this time of year we are filled with so many emotions. We are filled with so many feelings.  Sometimes we think of feelings and emotions as the same but they aren't.  Our feeling are the results of our emotions.  And our feeling change during this time of year.  Our feelings change often and we may not be feeling the same things as others feel.  Some of us will feel love.  Some of us will feel optimism.  Some of us will feel awe.  On the other hand, some will feel disappointment,  remorse,  contempt or loneliness.  At time during past Christmas holidays I have felt all of these feelings.  I don't ever remembering disappointment because I didn't receive a gift I wanted, but I do remember be disappointed that I wasn't able to maybe give the gift I wanted to give.  I remember a feeling of loneliness at not being able to spend time with family that have been called before me.

  I remember family get togethers at Aunt Frances' house when I was a child.  I know at times we had these parties at other family members houses but for some reason the ones at Aunt Frances come to mind.  I can remember my aunts and uncles telling stories.  Uncle C.W always had a practical joke to play it seemed and the laughter was continuous.  Us kids would run in and out of the house, playing games of chase and hide and go seek, and I'm sure we would forget to shut the door behind us,  but I don't remember anyone getting upset over the heat going out or the cold coming in.  As I sit here and think about those times,  I know us kids received gifts but to save my life I can't remember anything I got.  It took a few years to realize that the real gifts I received weren't material.

As I reminisce about family Christmas parties at mom and dads or my mother and father-in-laws or at our house, the same thing happened at them all.  Good food,  good fellowship and some material gifts that are gone but the oh wow, wonderful memories that last and last.  The feelings of love and laughter and sharing.  I'm getting excited about this years family party just thinking about it.  Ahhhhh the feeling of anticipation.

As I type this, Peggy is out shopping.  It will be fun watching the kids open presents.  It will be great to all be together.  But as I type this I also think of the many gifts I have received already.  The gift of answered prayers this year and in years past.  I have thanked God many times for the gift of life but this year, maybe for the first time, I really realize the meaning of this gift.  The gift of family.  This could be a daily post I write about for years.  There are many members of my family and each and every one is very special but the one thing they all share is a love for each other.  I hear many people say... " If I ever need anything, all I have to do is ask my family members."   Well let me tell you.  I don't even have to ask.  It just gets done.  Oh...and friends...I have the most wonderful friends.  Many of them I have not seen in several years but when we do get together,  it seems we were together yesterday.  What a blessing the gift of friendship is.

I just finished reading a news article about Joseph Villavisencio.  He was a football player for Texas A&M.  If you didn't happen to catch the story, it tells about this young man being killed in an automobile accident this past Thursday.  It said he was returning from giving out Christmas gifts at a local shelter.  To my way of thinking this news article was wrong.  He wasn't give out presents.  He was giving himself to others.  It was his time...It was his caring.....It was his energy...and in a sense it was his heart and he was giving it to others.  May God rest his soul.

As I was writing this, it came to mind  that all of these gifts I mentioned really come from God.  Even Joseph the football player's gift,  his life, came from God.  It made me think of the scripture  "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change."
Oh sure.  I already knew this but sometimes I need reminding of things.  Sometimes I need God to renew a certain spirit in me that only He can do.  Hmmmmm.  I guess you could say this renewal is a gift from God also.

We could probably go on and on about God's gifts to us.  In the next couple of days I hope to be reminded often of what God has given to me and I also hope I will remember to give Him proper thanks and praise.  We all of course will remember to thank him for His most wonderful and best gift,  His Son and our Savior Jesus Christ.  But let's not forget the other gifts.  The ones we take for granted.  The ones that bless us so much everyday.


1 comment:

  1. Wonderful as usual! Merry Christmas my friend and I wish for you and yours a blessed holiday season filled with love, joy and peace (that kind that is not understandable)!
