Tuesday, October 22, 2013

HOW DO YOU SMELL? Just something to think about...............

Often times, for no apparent reason, my mind will for some unknown purpose go back into my past. This mind will hit on a subject that I have not thought about in years. This morning it was a bottle of body wash that pushed the start button on this wierd mind of mine. It was a bottle of AXE body wax. Peggy and I had been to the l...ocal Kroger and there on the "mark down" shelf were a bunch of bottles of Axe body wash. My son and grandsons often use this AXE creation but I had always used the old reliable Irish Spring because the smell was good and I liked the price much better than this bottled stuff they call body wash. But as I said they had marked the price way down so I thought I might as well give it a try. Just as a side note, If you use "body wash" have you noticed how much of this liquid gold you waste with each shower. I think half of the bottle goes down the drain without ever touching my body......Oh well,,,Back to my original point. All of this smell good stuff got me to thinking about the trouble and expense we go through to smell good. I can remember when I was very young all the men smelled the same....Old Spice.....Old Spice had a monopoly on the men fragrance market back then. As I approched the teen years, the corporate world learned that teens now had a little money of their own to spend so they might as well cut in on Old Spice's profit margin. Thus we were bombarded with new fragrances. The first I remember was English Leather and then Jade East. I could come up with some great line about why we had an English and an Oriental frangrance but we didn't have a "French Mens Cologne" back then, but I've decided to be nice this morning. Beside we all know you're suppose to bathe before you put on cologne. Anyway, it seems that from the time I was about 12 or 13, every year there has been a new fragrance for men come out and we were told this new or improved fragrance is the best new thing. Many of these new fragrances have been called "Musk" to make us think we will emit an odor the oposite sex can in no way resist. Of course the advertising companys are no dummys either as in their ads they will use a stallion or a big ol' buck deer instead of a skunk or an orangatan as the symbol of their wonderful new product. Yep....My mind spoke to me again and it told me a simple truth...."We have become obsessed with the way we smell." but my observation didn't stop there. Have you ever thought about the way you smell on the inside? HUH you say...What are you talking about you ask????? Well I'll tell you. It seems our focus is always on the outside. I like what Jesus said,
“Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye make clean the
outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of
extortion and excess” (Matthew 23:25). So through all this thinking I have decided
it does not matter how good I smell on the outside if there is stench on
the inside. I want to focus on my inside and make it as fresh as
possible. I want my inside to smell good. That is the fragrance God smells.

Just something to think about !!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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