Thursday, February 3, 2011


I'm a man of questions  I'm sure you have met people like me before.  You may even be like me yourself.   I have all kind of questions about all kind of things.  And problems.....I see all kind of problems.  Problems with the government.  Problems with the economy.  I see problems with the church. I even see problems with me.   One of my biggest problems is I have no answer to most of these questions I have or problems I see.  That's right....I'm a man of questions, not a man of answers and solutions.  Some of my questions probably seem silly to you but even if they do,  I wish I had the answers.  Like...Why do dogs die?  Seems kind of like something that doesn't need to happen.  They are so good and friendly when treated right.  There is no better example of unconditional love than a good dog. A dog dying seems kind of like a waste.  Do they go to heaven?  If they do it's a little easier accepting their dying.  And the church.  Why do we say we want to follow God, but refer to certain people in the church as leaders?  Does God desire more leaders or followers?  I don't have the answer.  And as I mentioned in an earlier post,  Why do churches have different type of services?  Does a dancing and shouting service please God more than a traditional type service?  What kind of service did the Church At Ephesus have?  Was their traditional service like our traditional service.  If it was changed  was it changed because it didn't please God?  I don't have the answer.  And the government.  Why do they think they know better how to spend my money than I do?  We put these people in office because we think we can trust them and we think they are smart and then they take our money and decide how to spend it. Smart?  It seems they think it's their money.  If I give you something it is yours.....If you take it, it's still mine.   I don't want my money spent on abortions.  I don't want my money spent on Presidential vacations once a month.  And I'm not talking about our current President,  they've all done this. Why do things like this happen?  Why does a man spend millions and millions of dollars to get a job that pays a couple of hundred thousand dollars a year?  Does that sound smart?  I don't have the answer. 
I guess we all want answers.  This morning I got on facebook.  An old friend of mine was asking for prayer for her brother who was having surgery today.  Another friend was asking for prayer because her husband had been placed in hospice.  I chatted with a cousin of mine whose son in going through a divorce and we talked about another cousin that has cancer.  There were other prayer request and I know of others that are having problems.  And I ask ......WHY GOD?  Why do these things happen?  I've had people tell me it's God's will.  Is sickness and hard times and family troubles and financial hardship God's will?  These are questions I will ask God when I get to heaven.  And why sometimes, do I tell these people I'll pray for them but I don't?  I don't not pray for them to be mean,,,,I just don't take the time.  Do I hope by telling them I'll pray it will make them feel better?  Or .....or......this is a hard question to ask...Is it because I may not have the FAITH   that God will answer my prayer?  Gosh!!!!It hurts to ask oneself that.  And the reason it's hard to ask is because. ...".It's a question I have  the ability to answer.". So I started out this post to answer the question of my own faith.  I started out by praying for each request on my face book and for God to answer this one question for me today..."tell me if my faith is strong enough".  And he lead me to a quote I want to share with you:
"To believe with certainty, we must begin with doubting."   Think about that....FAITH STARTS OUT BY DOUBTING.  We didn't believe in God at first...At first we doubted God,  But when we first believed....WOW!!!!!!  Do you remember that feeling.  That moment I first believed, my faith was unshakable.  My faith was so strong.  There was nothing that I thought could weaken my faith.  But,  I have found I still have to stay close to God.......He never leaves me but sometimes I have a tendency to wonder.  Hmmmm,,,Maybe I need to ask Him why He gave me a free will when I get up there.
I will now end this post.  I hope it will help you to look at your faith as it has made me look at mine.  I will end it with another prayer,  believing God will answer it,  just as I believe He will answer my earlier prayers today:  As David said as he Prayed to God in the Psalms:....I pray to God today:
...".Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation.....amen and amen."


  1. Thoughts we all have....and questions yet to be answered.Thanks for reminding me that I need to stop asking God for so much.. I need to be still and listen to all HE has been trying to tell me! When I truly listen, my joy is restored. Thanks Wesley.

  2. I am like you also I have many questions of Why, Why not, What if, and also maybe IF I had only did this! But I am so Thankful that we know the Great I AM, who knows the answers to these questions. As I was reading your blog tonight Julian & I heard a siren, it was next door, we ran next door to find that our sweet neighbor had a stroke and was on his way to the hospital. I am asking you to pray for him and his wife and family, as I know you will. I have faith that HE will hear both of our prayers.
    Love You and THANKFUL for you and most of all for HIM!

  3. God wants us to ask him for the things we need in our lives. He wants us to prosper and have happy and fruitful lives. Bad things happen to good people because of man's fall. Bad things make us call upon God for his mercy and comfort and leads us to a deeper faith and dependence which God wants. He desires for man to have fellowship with him and to reconcile with him. But I believe we should always give thanks first and foremost when we talk with God before we ask for anything. Life is a mystery and we may never know many of the answers we seek in life but we have to remember God has already won the battle, he is the author, the alpha and omega. We must lean not to our own understanding...
    Thanks Wesley
