Friday, February 11, 2011


I have a confession to make.  I hope you won't think less of me but I feel I must let you know.  My confession is I gamble.  I mean I  gamble for big money and only for big money.  No,  my family has never missed a meal because of my gambling and they have always had clothes on their backs.  What is my game of choice you ask?  Ohhhh,  I only play one game and only maybe once a month.  I play the lottery.  You may ask  "Do I play the scratch offs?"   Nope,  never have.   Oh,  "You must play the fantasy 5" you say?  No I answer....I only play the Mega Millions or the Big Game.  And I only play these games when the prize nears 100 million  dollars.  Who needs a paltry 15 or 20 million dollars.  Not me!!!  Give me the  excitement of the $Big Bucks.  OK....  You've heard my confession.  Now you?  They say confession is good for the soul.  Have you ever played?  What do you call it if you play?  I just say I'm making my contribution to higher education. So once every 4 or 5 weeks I go to the corner store, reach deep down in my pocket, pull out my 1 or 2 dollar bills and tell the clerk to give me 1 or 2 quick picks.  Now you know.....
And,  as Paul Harvey use to say:  And now, the rest of the story.

The rest of the story is, I also have fantasies about winning.  And Oh no.... no no.  I don't feel guilty about these fantasies.  I only have them when Peggy is with me.  In fact she has them also and we share these fantasies aloud with each other.  They are always about the same things.  These fantasies are always about what we would do with the money.  And the strange thing is we almost always agree on how to spend it.  "New house you ask?"  Actually two houses.  One on the beach and one in the mountains.  And they would have to be very large houses.  How big must these houses be you ask?  Big enough to sleep 40 or 50 people.  The houses would have to be large enough for ALL of the family.  You see, this hasn't always been a fantasy.  We've really experienced family vacations with our 35 or so family members.  We've really felt the joy of this time together,  seen first hand how it has brought us closer to one another and to God.  And a trust would have to be set-up to own these houses so our grand children and nieces and nephews could share these experiences with their grand children and nieces and nephews when we've gone on.  And of course education.  All the children of the family would be sure to have college paid for.  Oh,  I'm sure there would be a car or two purchased, and surely a few houses paid for.  And then there are a few people outside the family that would receive enough money to help them reach goals they have or just make life easier for them.  Now you!!!
A few years ago the big thing you saw everywhere you turned was  "WWJD". What would Jesus do?   I still see it sometimes but not like I use to.  But today the Question is "WWYD".  Or, what would YOU do?

If you noticed above,  mostly I would spend this money on my family and myself.  Oh sure,  there are some things of greater purpose I would give to.  But as I recall these fantasies,  It's always me and my loved ones that get the first and largest portion.  If you have read my Blog very much,  you have probably noticed that young people hold a special place in my heart.  I  just love their excitement about life,  their hunger for knowledge and most of all their love for each other.  And following is the reason I feel this way I think.  As I was thinking about my thoughts today,  the game show
"A MINUTE TO WIN IT"  came to mind.  Not sure if you've seen it or not but it's a fun show.  I was watching the other night and there were these two young ladies playing together as a team.  They were 24 years old I believe and not just pretty girls,  they were beautiful.  And as I watched they got more beautiful.  Not more beautiful to my eyes but more beautiful to my heart.  They won  $250,000 and as in all game shows they were asked from the beginning what they were going to do with their winnings.  I would have thought new cars or college..Maybe down payments on new houses or help their parents.  NO NO AND NO....None of these things.  They were using  their winnings to start orphanages in a far away land.  As the show progressed some of these children were shown in orphanages that were already there.  These girls played with a confidence.   They weren't nervous. They adopted a theme they got from one of their fathers.  They were "TO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED".   I could write more about these girls but their giving just amazed me.  They weren't giving the first 10%.  They weren't giving what they had left over.  They were giving it all,  they were giving  everything. 

Brought to mind a man that also gave it all over 2000 years ago.  I hope you know Him.  If not let me know and I'll tell you the TRUE story of this man.

But the question today isn't :  WWJD?  because He already has.  The question is:


God  Bless

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