Tuesday, April 5, 2011


As I lay on the cot at Douglas Well Star on last Thursday afternoon, my mind ran in a thousand directions.  It had been a normal day.  I was a little tired but had worked hard the day before so I felt that normal.  Since waking up from passing out I really felt better than before the fainting.  The EMT and ER Doctor both said I had not had a heart attack.  I had told everyone I was fine and didn't want to go to the hospital but the EMT insisted.  Vicki insisted.  Even Peggy insisted. I knew I was fine.  I had never been ill.  Never been in the hospital.  Didn't even like doctors and hospitals.  So I made my plan!!!!  I would show them all I was OK.  I would joke and cut up with the Doctors and nurses.  I would make light of the whole situation with my family (Cindy had met us at the hospital) and be home in time for the results of American Idol that night.  But as they did EKG after EKG,  the ER Doctor kept saying all was not normal.  More test would be needed.  Oh well, I thought to my self,  here we go.  But the longer I laid there, the more my mind rushed around.  Cindy, Vicki,  Peggy and myself sat (and me laying of course) stared at the walls.  We would say something, me again trying to make light of the situation, and then stare some more.  Just then,  in a spilt second,  in the twinkling of an eye it hit me.  I could no longer hold it in and I blurted out..."THEY ARE GOING TO CUT ON ME".  Every body laughed.  With this sentence I wasn't trying to be funny but everyone thought it was.  Sometimes God gives you the words that don't really seem right at the time but are the exact right words. 

The Doctors told us I would need more test and some would be done Monday at Cobb
Well Star, then I would be moved to Kennestone Well Star for surgery if needed.  There,  the dreaded word had been used.  SURGERY...And here is where the first big miracle of my week came.  Our son Josh had come along later in life for Peggy and I.  I always worried if I would be there for him.  Although I seemed in fairly good health,  I hadn't made very healthy life choices.  For some reason I thought I could make a deal with God.  During Josh's high school years I often prayed "God,  just let me get Josh through college and then you can take me at anytime.  I will come to heaven to be with You for ever with no fight, no harsh words and no regrets.  Let's make a deal God."  Did God accept my deal?  I have no idea but a year and a half ago Josh graduated college.  When I get to His throne I intend to ask.  More likely is He knew how important this was to me and it was because of His love for me and Josh that I'm still here.
So where is this first miracle you ask?  During these few moments, God's love for me was reaffirmed.   His providence was made complete in my life.  His mercy was manifested in my life.  I had no reason to fear anything.  If I lived I would be here on earth with the best wife, 3 loving children, 7 beautiful grandchildren,  the best sisters, brother-in-laws and sister-in-laws, nieces and nephews any man could ever have.  I have the greatest extended family of aunts and cousins in the world.  I am a very rich man indeed.  And my option to staying here on earth and watching these children grow and love between family and friends grow is going to heaven.  To be with my Heavenly Father for ever.  To see my Savior Jesus face to face.  To see family and friends that have gone before me.  I think you would say I'm in a win/win situation.

You may still ask where the miracle is?  Some of you know.  Some of you will say "I've known this for a while."  others will say " I have knowledge of this,"
I could also say before that moment in the ER, I had the knowledge of this and have had it for some time.  But in that split second the words of the old gospel became real:


I now have that assurance that Fanny Crosby was writing about in that hymn.  I now have a peace I never had before. I have nothing to fear.

                                                  MY CUP RUNS OVER!




  2. Love, love, love this!

  3. Oh! Wesley, beautiful words of LIFE! so happy you are back on the blog and with us. Thankful, Thankful, so Thankful for HIS Blessings!
    Love You and your sweet Family!
