Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Children's questions and statements.  Seems they always bring a smile to our face.  Zack, my second born grandson, it seems is the one that can wear you down with questions.  He was usually the quite one when he was younger.  He would be playing or riding in the back seat not saying a word and all of a sudden he would have a question about something, and then another, and another and another and they seemed to come forever.   And funny statements....They come out of nowhere with Zack.   Austin, my first born grandson,  and Zack decided to build a few birdhouses a couple of years ago and make themselves a little money.   I thought it would be a good chance to spend some real quality time with them plus I could teach them to use some tools and about shop safety.  Austin is the artistic one in the family.  He could always draw even at a very young age.  And when we would build I would give the boys freedom to do their own thing but at the same time would show them basics, thinking they could build common birdhouses faster and therefore sell more.  Zack would usually build the simpler birdhouses but Austin always wanted to design and build something different.  And design he did.  He came up with some houses I never would have thought of (or anyone else for that matter).  Austin was a perfectionist and always wanted every cut and every dimension to be perfect.  I would tell him often to think outside of the box.  He was designing and it didn't always have to be perfect.  Kind of like us, God made us different and not perfect, but by no means did God not get it right.  Zack on the other hand would build his one or two houses that day and then go inside to play with the other kids or watch TV or whatever.  Austin would continue to work on a special design after I was ready to go inside and would talk about taking over the birdhouse business one day.   Zack would get bored after a while and be ready to go on to something else.   One day I asked Zack  "Are you tired of building birdhouses?"   His very quick response was  "It's OK,  but I'm just doing it until my singing career takes off."  A very quick sense of humor Zack has.  He has to be the comedian in the family.  He makes these Jim Carry type faces that just crack you up and the really funny part of it is I'm not sure he knows does it.  Austin has moved on from building birdhouses to playing the guitar and singing and I'm so proud of him.  He is self taught and has really stuck to it.  Zack on the other hand doesn't build anymore but still goes to all the shows he can with us, but is very busy with Scouts.  I'm proud of him also.  It amazes me how God gives each of us a different personality, just as the birdhouses have different personalities.  The boys would build a birdhouse and say no way will anyone buy this.  My standard response would be "Sure they will...someone will love it..we all like different things...THAT'S WHY WE HAVE HAMBURGERS AND HOT DOGS!"

Next I will write about my two grand daughters Bethany and Chasity.  It will be about
"Thank you for the baby brother God but what I asked for was a puppy. I never asked for anything before. YOU CAN LOOK IT UP!"

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