Thursday, January 27, 2011


"Sugar and spice and everything nice,  that's what little girls are made of!!!"  I thought about opening this saying up for debate but decided it probably wasn't a good idea.  I have a very special spot in my heart for little girls.  When I was 12 our family was blessed with a new addition.  A cute, very curly headed little girl.  My big sister and I thought this little girl was a toy and to this day I am amazed she made it through childhood without severe mental problems.   To give you an example, at the age of 2,  she actually thought she could kiss her own ear and would make some awful faces trying to accomplish this.  I probably should apologize to Terri for pranks like this.....but I won't. Next my big sister got married to this great big fellow named Julian Price who tried to lead me astray on more than one occasion, but I in no way will go into specifics at this time.  Dianne, who we call Dicy, and Julian had two wonderful baby girls.  The first is named Susan,  who we call Little Mother Teresa, and the second was Jill the pill, who because of some things she has gone through in life I call a miracle of God.  I am so proud of the things she has accomplished and where she is in her life.  Then of course, our first two children were beautiful girls, Cindy and Vicki, that have brought such joy to our life.  When I try to express my love for them and the happiness and pride they have given both their mama and me,  the words always seem so inadequate.  So you see why I have a special place for girls.  As I've stated before we have seven grandchildren, five boys and two girls.  Our two girls are Bethany and Chasity, and just as I mentioned with Austin and Zack,  the personalities are completely different. Bethany is very tender hearted and wants to make sure she doesn't hurt any one's feelings,  but if you push her she does has a temper and will show it.  Chasity on the other hand....whew.......If you don't want her opinion on something or someone you better not ask and most times you will get her opinion if you ask or not.  Bethany is what I would call the girly girl of the family and Chasity the independent one.  When Vicki was expecting Jay,  Chasity let everyone know they didn't need another kid in the family,  much less a boy.  She would much rather have a puppy.  Of course when Jay was born,  she changed her mind and loved him very much, although at times they still have their sister-brother times.  As I watch the girls grow, I see so much of their mother in them, and in the next minute I see none of their mother but two individual young ladies with so much to offer the world.

In this and the last posting about Austin and Zack, I have tried more to introduce my Grandchildren to the people that don't know them than to tell stories.  The stories will come I promise.  I also want the grandchildren to know how I see them at this time in their life. I'm sure my perception of them will change over time just as my love for them will grow over time even though I don't know how it can.  I still have a hard time understanding how you think you can't love anymore but God keeps increasing the love you have to give.

I still have three handsome young men to introduce you to.  Trevor, Jay and Hunter.  You will meet them in the next couple of days and that will complete our immediate family as it stands right now.  I will probably skip a day from  introducing the grand kids as I have felt the urge to share another story with you, but they will be introduced very soon I promise.

Tomorrow I want to share a life lesson with my grand children I learned from my Mother-in-law.  She taught me this to me better than anyone else could.

Until then...I LOVE YOU !!!!!!!!

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