Monday, January 31, 2011


I'm a reader.  Always have been.  Sometimes I'll get on the computer and just read for hours.  Sometimes I'll read four or five newspapers in a day.   I just love to read.  When I was in my early 20s,  I would read the dictionary and find a new "word of the day."  I would make myself use that new word at least 3 times in a sentence that day.  I wish I had kept doing that.  I'm sure I would be a lot smarter if I had.  Every time I set down at the table to eat I must have something to read while I have my meal.  This use to bother Peggy but I guess she decided this was just one of the quirkie things I do and finally accepted it.  When I would read at the table, if I didn't have a newspaper or a book I was in the middle of, I would read things like the cereal box or any other package that was on the table at the time.  Have you ever taken the time to read boxes or for that matter any packages that are in your house?  If I was a young man just starting college,  I think I would major in writing instructions and warning labels on packages.   You wouldn't have to be real smart to do this, just have a little common sense.  I was reading the label of  Liquid plumber for instance.  Warning: Do not reuse this bottle to store beverages.   Or Arm and Hammer Scoopable Cat Litter. Safe to use around cats.   Who ever came up with these has to have a masters degree at least.  Now here's some useful information on the label of Dial Soap.  Use like regular soap.  No way would you have figured that out on your own.  I was looking at a box of Christmas lights we bought this past year.  In big letters it said .....are you ready for this.....WARNING:
FOR INDOOR OR OUTDOOR USE ONLY.  ??????   Where did they think I was going to use these lights?
And yesterday we celebrated my youngest grandson's first birthday.  As I was about to light the candles on his cake I noticed this warning on the matches.  Caution:  Contents may catch fire.   Well slap my face and call me Sally!!!!!!!
As I was thinking about these instructions and warning I thought..."What if they did give instructions and warning with babies?  Would this booklet that came with the kid only tell us things like when the diaper needed changing and how to securely affix a new one to insure that you don't end up with (for the  lack of a better word) mess all over yourself when the baby needs to be changed next time.  Would it tell you about how to rock the child and let you know that the kid couldn't care less that you can't carry a tune when you sing....Just sing.  Would this important booklet warn you about losing your breath each time the kid hugged and kissed you.  Would it assure you that it's OK that you shed a tear on that first day of school.  Would it instruct you on how to handle your anxiety  that first time they got behind the wheel of the family car, or left on that first date.  Or would you be told of the pride you would have on graduation day.
This instruction booklet could be filled with page after page after page of cautions and  instructions and of warning you how many times your heart would skip a beat at all the little things your child would do ..........but.................I think it best that we experience and learn all these things on our own.  It's more fun not knowing what to look for next and learning how to handle those lumps in our throat each time we fight back those tears of joy and pride.
But you know,  I think I'll spend a fun day next Saturday  at WalMart just walking around and reading labels.  It's fun and free.
Just noticed on this can of Sainsbury peanuts I'm eating it says
WARNING:  CONTAINS  NUTS.  Who would of thunk it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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